Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Amy Winehouse - Musician, Artist, Daughter, Friend

TONGUE UNTIED  photo | Amy Winehouse

My memory of Amy Winehouse will always involve her Back to Black album (2006)...her voice, that retro soul vibe, and catchy lyrics...every store I walked into during my study abroad the summer of 2009 was either playing Amy Winehouse or Michael Jackson as I hopped from country to country...so no matter what language was spoken the music comforted me... her music's impact will never be considered fleeting...and the songs that exist although few will be treated as treasures and serve as inspiration for generations to come...

The world lost a great artist but her friends and family lost a person who held a place in their hearts...these are the people who spent their days and nights worrying about her...hoping she was safe...really hoping that this time was the last time...that recovery road was the path she would choose...she is a person not headline fodder to the people who knew, truly loved, and wished the best for her...

While the world speculates over her death and await a toxicology screening to confirm their suspicious...a family is cursing the disease and maybe even the complications that come with recovery that took their loved one, friends are probably worrying they didn't do enough...I have seen awful mean spirited things written about this talented woman...even by someone in my own family who knows the feeling of losing a family member to addiction.  The loss of someone's life is tragic...it's never funny, it's never deserved, and it's never expected even when it is...

If you're struggling with addiction, know that you are worthy of recovery...

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