Friday, May 27, 2011

Keeping the frogs in the pond....

Dear Brother:

Your little girl graduated from kindergarten yesterday...she'll be headed to first grade in August...she's growing so smart, witty and talented...just like her dad!  The first few months she had a little trouble keeping her frogs in the pond...I guess that's her generation's version of not having a check beside your name...I think around October all frogs started staying in the pond...I'm not sure conventional learning is going to be her thing but she knows it is just what kids have to do!  There was slide show with her picture which said she was a future veterinarian and artist...she does love an animal (stuffed and real) and is artistic in every aspect of her personality. 

Dad and Mom both are very proud of your little girl...I called dad this morning to see how her big day had gone...he said she had a great time and all went well...Dad and L gave her flowers, Mom and M gave her a charm bracelet...and your wife gave your little girl exactly what she wanted - a trophy...Your little girl saw a trophy that belonged to someone else and wanted one very badly so your wife ordered her a special graduation trophy.  There is a picture of her proudly showing off her trophy to everyone! 

She really does dance to the beat of her own drummer...which is just hilarious and wonderful all at the same time...I hope always feels comfortable just being herself keeps her amazing imagination active...She asked for a longhorn to hang on her bedroom wall for random...she's a funny little thing...and very special to us all...

We see you in her face, her talent, her compassionate spirit....even though the physical you is gone...the best parts of you left here in her shine daily...

I know you're proud and love her more than words...